Friday, March 29, 2013


The most beautiful thing about Texas in springtime is the abundance of wildflowers. The pollen is gross and stifling but the scenery makes up for it.

Lisa and I took the kids to Creekside Park to capture this fleeting season before it would be trampled by other photo seekers and weather.

Let me tell you...the pics came out well but the moments of trying to take pics were just priceless. Norah was not into it. She didn't want to wear clothes let alone her outfit. She had one of her epic fits where she screams and lays on the stiff on the ground to get her point across. Claire wanted to hold Ella and was doing so in her typical smothering fashion. Ella on the other hand was crying because se had pooped and needed immediate changing. Then there was Joseph. His pants were too big and he did not want to wear a diaper because he wanted to be a big boy. What happened? He was running around and his pants were steadily falling down with every step...exposing all of Joseph to Creekside Park. Let me preface all of this by saying there were tons of people at the park doing the exact same thing we were, both novices and professionals alike. So I am sure our little foursome were really making everyone's day that much more joyful (sarcasm indeed).

However, in that fleeting moment of chaos, Lisa was able to capture some fantastic pictures of the girls. All in a days work, right?!

Birthday party for the princesses!

For the birthday party last year, I had a theme in my mind - Thing 1 and Thing 2 since the girls were turning 1 & 2. It was non-negotiable. But this year, I really wanted the girls to tell me what party they wanted and I was going to roll with it. It had evolved. First it was Minnie Mouse...then Doc McStuffins...then Yo Gabba Gabba (which they don't even watch anymore)...and then finally Princess. Princess seemed to stick an rightfully so. My girls are ALL girl. They dress up, wear jewelry and heels, style their hair and love fashion more than most. I was all for the princess party because it was something I could attempt to go all put for. Immediately I began to search for ideas...

I settled on March 29 (Good Friday) for the big day. Our dearest Claire was born on Good Friday three years ago, so it is only fitting. It also happened to coincide with Mike's travel week which made planning a little complicated. I had to be thoughtful of my list and plan out all shopping to work around buying with the girls. Best way to tackle this was a little bit each day rather than one big trip. Second, I needed to recruit my crew of helpers. Maggie naturally became my go-to gal. We did the girls birthday party entirely by ourselves last year as Mike also traveled the week leading up to their party. Except this year we made sure we did a little bit each day rather than burn the midnight oil like the previous year.

We made Tuesday our chocolate day. I had found a princess party that I wanted to copy (imitation is truly flattery). So we made chocolate covered pretzels, rice Krispy treats that we cut into heels, and chocolate covered marshmallows to look like apples. They looked SO cute and tasted even better.

Thursday was the food prep day. My sweet and talented friend Lisa assisted in fruit cutting to help make "magic wands" - grape skewers with pineapple stars on top. I have to give Lisa a world of credit because she hand cut those stars. The cookie cutter wouldn't go through the pineapple and she used a knife to cut. It's dedication! The results were amazing. And Maggie came to make the castle sandwiches and decorate the house.

Today came together SO well! The girls had their custom princess shirts, tutus and crowns and were ready for the party. And honestly, it was a fantastic party. We had the playroom and backyard ready for all of their friends. Mike went out early today and picked up a castle piƱata last minute which actually worked out well (I admittedly was nervous of the idea of all 2 & 3 year olds trying to strike that and possibly each other).

My goal was for everyone to have fun. Sure, I got excited at the idea of throwing a party and being creative; but above all I wanted my girls to have a fun day and wanted their friends to have the same. My friends in Texas are beyond friends to me...they are truly family. I love them and their children just as much as I love my nieces, nephews, cousins, etc. I feel so blessed to have them and for my girls to have them. I wanted today to be a thank you to them for all they've done for me and my family. As everyone was gathered to sing "happy birthday" for the girls I couldn't help but tear up. It may be cliche to say this but it was just a moment where I felt so much love in the room. No one is forced to come and gather with your children - it is a choice. I feel blessed beyond words that we have all of them. Perhaps with the Easter holiday I am feeling more sentimental but I think of where I was 2 years ago: petrified of moving to a foreign place and not knowing a soul. To think in such a short amount of time I was able to become friends with the best friends I have ever had is something that makes me believe in the power of God's love. I don't take where I am each day for granted and feel very fortunate to be exactly where I am meant to be.

So as the planning has officially come to an end, I feel grateful that it came together and made the girls happy. I feel beyond grateful to Maggie and Lisa for helping me (I truly don't know what I would do without them) and most grateful to God for answering so many prayers.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Birthday pics

I had the grand idea that my dear friend Lisa and I could take on the task of birthday pictures. She has the skills and I have it was perfect. It ended up being a fabulous idea!

Not only did Lisa get some great shots, but the kids were so happy to actually smile for her (because they adore her) and we left not feeling overwhelmed and upset.

The only setback was Norah's explosive diaper incident. I honestly cannot remember a blowout of a diaper like that since infancy. It went up her back. To make matters worse, she put her hand on her back and smeared it on her back and all over her hands. Needless to say it was a difficult clean up. So glad I brought a change of clothes and also had Lisa to help hand me wipes (and grab a dog poop bag to dispose of everything).

We ended the session with some park time and had a lovely Sunday enjoying the weather. Can't wait to print up the pics for their princess party!

March in Texas

I seriously am loving this little stretch of Spring. Aside from the horrible pollen, the weather has been amazing and we have spent a lot of time outside. We have been on our playset nonstop for the past week. It is so nice to just have that option.

Yesterday I took the girls to May Valley splash pad and let them play. We got there late (5ish) so we didn't have a long time to play but it was great. Can't even believe it is Larch and we are outside in bathing suits.

The nicest part of the splash pad was the girls actually interacting and playing with each other. Last year Norah was just learning to walk so she couldn't really play with Claire. But now they are so close. The call one another "sweety" and "honey" and really look out for one another. Sure they are driving me nuts (boycotting naps and getting into everything) but having them so close is beginning to really have its benefits.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Big girl bed

Tonight is Norah's first night in a real bed. She's less than a month away from two and starting this process much sooner than her sister did. But Norah being as advanced and precocious as she is was very much ready to trade in her crib-turned-toddler-bed for her "princess bed."

A slight tear little baby really is growing up.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Fire station visit

We toured the station with friends on Friday followed by a great play date in the park. Here are some highlights!

Where's my peanuts?

I had Claire's ENT appointment today as a follow up for her "raspy voice" issue. I knew the ENT with both was going to be a challenge but I didn't foresee it being as cumbersome as it was. We had a very long wait two hours of waiting. The waiting room itself is a challenge but it's the wait in your actual room that becomes the scene of a horror movie. We spent one hour in the actual waiting room. We blew through the majority of the good snacks- gummies, suckers, goldfish and applesauce packets. I was left with the lone bag of Elmo cereal. Strike one. Claire become obsessive with using the potty in the waiting room. Nearly every 10 minutes she needed to go again. She did go once but that was on try 3. I watched people barely budge in that room Nearly an hour and fifteen minutes later we were called. But then the next level of waiting ensued. The "I'm trapped in a tiny cell with two toddlers with expensive/breakable equipment" waiting. First they were using the exam chair as a jungle gym. Then when they discovered the buttons to adjust it went further downhill. They began to scream because they couldn't sit still. They felt compelled to touch everything. You can only say no so many times before you realize they aren't listening. They tune you out because they simply don't care. Then came questions. Claire turned to me and asked, "mom, where's my peanuts? You know my peanuts like Carson when he got potty." I didn't want to answer that, especially trapped in a room with paper thin walls and ears all around. I just said it wasn't the place to talk. I don't want to have the whole gender conversation with my two year old in a doctor room.

But then came the standoff. She and I just met the moment that pushed me over the edge. I can't recall what lead me to take away the promised reward - cake pop - but I took it away.
Claire: no (slam on door)
Me: no cake pop!
Claire: I want cake pop! (slam door)
(horrified the nurses think child abuse is going on) me: no cake pop!
Claire: I. Want. Caaaaake pop!
Me: I'm calling your dad.
Claire: I don't care!

So this was going nowhere. It was then I realized I was trying to reason with a toddler. I was more insane than I thought thinking that could work. It just can't. A rational toddler? No because that is like a unicorn, just a mythical creature that doesn't actually exist. It's no less frustrating having that epiphany. I lost my cool...I think everyone could see the frazzling going on. Even with the doctor in the room the kids were ill behaved. Claire wouldn't let the doctor speak to me. When he talked she kept saying: "Dr. Raney! Dr. Raaaaaaaaaaney!" until he would have to stop to acknowledge her. Totally like a drunk person. Rude. Obnoxious. Toddlers are little drunk people. It's just illogical to fight with them because they just won't listen. It's embarrassing and humbling but it is all part parenting.

Nearly two hours later we were on our way out...but the day didn't go up from there. Upon getting home, Norah's skin erupted in a complete rash takeover. She seriously gets every rash out there. But this was all over. Arms, legs, tummy, back, neck and even behind her ears. After having one bad doctor experience I couldn't imagine going through it all over again. But I had to. Thankfully Mike met us at the after hours office so I had help. But they gave him a good performance.

So doctor day ended and both kids are still in medical limbo. Claire needs more tests which we are doing tomorrow. And Norah's rash needs a few days on Benadryl to see if it improves. So hopefully doctor day doesn't turn into a week of doctor visits....