Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Birthday, sickness and races: PART 1 - Birthdays

I have taken a long blogging hiatus...like almost a month!

Since my last post, we have had a busy month.

Starting with the girls birthdays...
Claire' 3rd birthday was her day to have it her way.  Since she is all about pampering, she went to get her nails done.  I normally take her to the nail salons around the corner, but since it was her special day, we spent it at the little girls salon Sweet and Sassy.  Though her dad was a little concerned about the price (a mini mani was $35!), we caved for her special day.  My original plan was for she and I to have a mommy and me date, but she really wanted to share the experience with her best friend Olivia (it's starting already...being with mom is not cool).  I made two little appointments and those two had the best time.  It honestly was hysterical to see them together...they were like to old pros.  Claire chatted away about her man aka "my daddy."  The tech laughed because every sentence started with, "So my daddy..."  throughout her entire service.  They got blue sparkly toes and green and purple sparkly fingers (alternating fingers on both).  We followed their spa day with lunch (TKY at Potbelly for the b-day girl) and lastly a shopping trip at Carter's. I am so going to have to watch this girl because all the items she picked happened to be the only non-sale items.  Champagne taste!
Talking about the main man in her life, her daddy

Best friends!!!
We ended the day with a taco dinner, again Claire's choosing, and birthday cake.  I don't know who was more excited for the cake, Claire or Norah!!!! I think all in all she had a great day. 
Officially 3 - blowing out the candle at 6:49 PM ... exact time of birth!

LOVING the cake!!!

On the heels of Claire's birthday came Norah's.  Just like Claire, we gave Norah the options to choose her day.  It's a litter trickier with her because she is still young.  Though she says a lot, she really is a go with the flow kind of girl.  She only demanded a few things - food, Sofia the first and cake.  Can't really argue with that, right? 

Mike and I really thought through and through about what to do with Norah.  How could we make her day special to her? We gave her a shopping trip at the Disney store.  See we can do this because she isn't like her sister in that she won't want everything in the store.  She initially grabs items, but will just as quickly put it back and say, "I no want this." Easy enough.  As predicted she went for her two favorite girls - Sofia and Minnie.  She got a plush Sofia doll and a pair of Minnie sandals.  Then she wanted "chicken nuggets" for lunch so we got the girls Chick-fil-A followed by a MUCH NEEDED bang trim (for both girls...Claire got lumped in that mix). We bought a cookie cake for Norah but since both girls were exhausted, we decided it was best to enjoy the cookie the following night. 
Feasting on lunch...notice the bangs...EEK!

Clutching her Sofia doll and sporting the new 'do...very chic birthday girl!

(As a total aside, please note the heinous bruise on Norah's cheek.  Immediately following her birthday party, she went down for a much needed nap.  Sometime between the moment I closed the door to put her down and the time I went back in to get her, she got that awful bruise.  Neither girl would fess up to the cause.  I asked and all I got was, "A lion got Norah" (umm no but A+ for imagination).  SO please also note that the bruise was nearly 4 weeks ago and is STILL on her face!!!! It will appear in the photo series in the future posts.  Only noting this because it looks like dirt on her face! Though that's not out of character for Norah, I say it so people know she does get cleaned and isn't a perpetually dirty kid.) 

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