Saturday, June 29, 2013

Birthday, sickness and races: Part 3 - the plague

It's been such a gap since this actually happened but we were hit hard on Norah's birthday. I heard screaming and coughing from the girls room. It was such a rough day because I had the race and Mike had his first 100 mile bike ride. Needless to say, we were both exhausted. 

Web I entered the room, I was hit with the smell...vomit. Oh my goodness I don't do well with puke. I swooped Claire up and rushed her to the tub. I woke Mike and had him tend to her whole I went to handle the mess. Norah was still fast asleep. I don't know how but she slept through it all. I stripped the bed, did loads of laundry and sprayed Lysol on everything!!!! I kept spraying hoping to kill every single airborne germ (imagine me like die die die to the germs...I was fanatical). The sickness continued through the night and carried into the days thereafter. It was Claire's first tummy bug and it was brutal. She was terribly ill and it worried me simply because she just was lifeless and pale. I know how brutal it is but to watch your child is very difficult. 

After a trip to the doctor on day 3 of still puking, we left with Zofran and a new outlook...things would soon make a turn for the better. 

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